Our Detox Gut Repair Supplement is a combination of Fulvic Acid and Omegia™ Powder (Sea Buckthorn). Packed with all the vital minerals and vitamins one needs to optimise the body’s natural detoxification system.

Protect the cells from free radical damage and reproduce collagen formation naturally. Feel the benefits of stimulating collagen naturally, reducing toxicity, boosted digestion, improved mental clarity, a healthier immune system and increased energy.

  • 82% experienced better sleep quality
  • 93% noticed improved concentration
  • 94% felt a surge of energy and vitality
  • 78% improvement in digestive-related issues.

  • Vegan. Nut Free. Dairy Free. Gluten Free. Organic. Cruelty Free. 

Regular price$105.95

  • Optimise your body’s natural detoxification system
  • Naturally cleanse the body
  • Contributes towards nutrient assimilation 
  • Aids in cell protection from free radical damage
  • Boosts energy levels and metabolism
  • Reduces effects of tiredness and fatigue 
  • Balances & rejuvenates cell life
  • Helps reproduce collagen formation naturally
  • Necessary for normal connective tissue structure and function
  • Aids in cognitive function
  • Necessary for normal healthy blood structure
  • Contributes to normal immune system functions

Fulvic/Humic Acid
100% SeaBerry Seed Oil (Sea buckthorn)

Add one scoop of supplement powder to a glass of water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or add to your favourite juice or smoothie. Drink in combination with plenty of water throughout the day. If detox symptoms are experienced, drop to half a serve and gradually increase over a couple of days.

Mud mask:
mix 1/3 teaspoon with a few drops of water or Sea Buckthorn Serum to create a smooth paste, apply to skin and let it dry for 10-15 minutes. Wash with warm water.

Bath/foot bath:
mix 1-3 teaspoons of your Fulvic acid powder in your water, depending on the size of the bath to help remove toxins from the skin.

**Results cannot be guaranteed, no therapeutic claims are made and we always recommend speaking to your GP before introducing new supplements into your diet

Mud mask:mix 1/3 teaspoon with a few drops of water or Sea Buckthorn Serum to create a smoothe paste, apply to skin and let it dry for 10-15 minutes. Wash with warm water.

Bath/foot bath:mix 1-3 teaspoons of your Fulvic acid powder in your water, depending on the size of the bath to help remove toxins from the skin.

All orders are shipped within 8 hours from our warehouse.

Standard shipping: 2 to 6 business days within the USA (tracking number included)



Naturally cleanse the body and optimise your body’s natural detoxification system

Helping to balance the gut microbiome and assimilate more nutrients into the cells

Experience a body bursting with energy and reduce the effects of tiredness 

Bursting with trace minerals, vitamin C & E, antioxidants, amino acids and vegan omega fatty acids


Our Detox Supplement has been carefully developed with key ingredients Fulvic Acid & Sea Buckthorn to help optimise your body’s natural detoxification system. Assimilate more nutrients into the cells and cleanse the body naturally. This product is so versatile it can be ingested, bathed in or used in the form of a mud mask to draw out impurities through the skin. 

You can expect improved gut health, digestive activity and bloating as well as a body bursting with energy, better sleep and clearer mind. 

This product can be ingested daily and used on the skin in the form of a bath, face mask or body mask.

  • 70+ Trace Minerals
  • Vegan Omegas 3 6 7
  • Vitamin C & E
  • Antioxidants 
  • Amino Acids 
  • Electrolytes


Fulvic Acid is the best ingredient you’ve never heard of. New research and recent discovery is only now realising the importance of fulvic acid. Scientists for years believed that it was only beneficial for plants and animals, however, humans have been consuming fulvic acid for thousands of years. The fulvic acid found in the soil is a recent discovery and scientists are only now realizing the potential of this substance. The interest from medical and health communities in the year 2021 is beginning to escalate dramatically, especially after the global pandemic.  

Consumption of fulvic acid is not new for the human race, however through the most natural and organic form, it is starting to raise excitement for communities. 

Click here to find out more about our testing process


Sea Buckthorn is a rare ‘luxurious fruit’ derived from Tibet in China. The magical fruit contains a multitude of health properties, fit for every individual. Sea Buckthorn holds more omegas and antioxidants than any other fruit in the world.

Sea Buckthorn is naturally grown with more than 190 bioactive nutrients, including Omega 3 6 7 9, 18 amino acids, 17 vitamins, 14 minerals and antioxidants. It provides almost every nutrient the body needs, as well as the health benefits no other single ingredient can offer.


Two highly concentrated organic powders, Fulvic Acid & Sea Buckthorn. It contains over
70+ trace minerals, potent electrolytes, Vitamin C, E, Antioxidants and Omega
3, 6, 7, 9. Perfect daily dose of vitamins and minerals to give you the energy you need to live optimally.

We recommend starting off your first week with ⅛ of a teaspoon and work your way up to ¼ teaspoon which is the daily recommended amount. Mix your serving size in a glass of water or add it to your morning smoothie or juice. Make sure to drink plenty of water when taking this product as your body will want to get rid of toxic waste and it's important to keep up our water intake in order to flush these out. Especially if you a trying to detox your body from chemicals, toxins and heavy metals. The recommended water intake is for every 30kg of weight you should be drinking 1L of water. So if you are 60-70kgs, 2-2.5L of water.


Additionally you take a bath or foot bath in our Mud, just add ½ teaspoon to your bath water and let it dissolve. You can also make a homemade face mask by mixing ½ teaspoon of our Mud with a drop of water and make a paste to apply to your face. Let the Mud dry on your face and wash off with warm water. You may notice the mask draws out impurities and brightens, tightens your face. You can finish off the Mud mask with our Sea Buckthorn Serum for extra hydration.

Our Fulvic Acid is from Canada and Sea Buckthorn is a Tibetan berry. Both are imported to Australia where our products are hand packaged and delivered to your door.

For the first 3-4 days, depending on your health, you may experience some detox symptoms like a headache or fatigue. This is why we recommend starting with a smaller dose.

After your body has rid itself of toxins, you are likely to feel an influx of energy, increased cognitive function and perhaps improved sleep quality. This is because your body is getting the vitamins, minerals and electrolytes it needs to function at an optimal level.